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CALL: 506-449-1104

Weight Loss Program: How It Works

If you are serious about losing weight then this program is ideal for you.

We team you up with your very own weight loss coach , who guides you every INCH of the way towards reaching your ideal goal weight.

Your coach is 100% dedicated to seeing you lose your desired amount of weight. Your weight-loss goals become their goals. And they aid you in any way possible keeping you motivated to reach your goal.

This one on one style of weight-loss has been proven to be highly effective time and time again. If you are serious about finally losing weight for good then this program is for you.

How the program works:

  • You meet with your weight loss coach for a FREE weight-loss consultation.
  • Your weight-loss coach designs a custom tailored menu plan around your unique weight loss and personal needs, that is centered on balanced nutrition and is chalk full of delicious meals created for their ability to shed your pounds.
  • You meet with your weight loss coach once a week for your weekly weigh in and adjustments to your program are made as needed at this time.

At Inches our philosophy on maintenance is that we will TEACH you how to keep the weight you have lost off for life.

We do not believe in a maintenance program where you are dependent on us for the rest of your life. We will show you tested and true EASY principles on how to maintain your ideal weight.

Call today for your FREE consultation 454-WILL